Making A Covid-19 Vaccine Appointment in Taiwan Summer 2021
Usual disclaimer: Note the date of this blog post. As time goes by, things may change, so always try to find the most up to date information. Feel free to let me know if anything ever changes. If this article has Chinese characters / Pinyin and you are not sure about pronunciation, copy/paste the Chinese characters to Google Translate and use the text to voice feature. As a side note, the pronunciation of the neutral tone is usually not so good, but it should be close enough. Relevant links: Registering the NHI card online I just did it this very instant, so I'm writing this article while I still remember the process! Once you have downloaded the NHI app (pracitcally all in Chinese) and bound your NHI card to it, you are ready to make the appointment. Open the app, on the home page (bottom left icon that looks like a house), you will see a list of options, and luckily, they have English translations. Select Vaccine Appointment. Accept the disclaimer and you will be taken to ...